Meet our blog authors

Meet members of our team who actively share their knowledge, opinion, make research and gather valuable information to share with all our users and viewers. We wish you a great reading experience and we encourage you to get involved into a discussion under our blog posts
Dafina Gashi
Dafina Gashi
In August 2022, Dafina brought her expertise to Infobel PRO as the Channel Partners Sales Manager.
17 posts published
Jagoda Myśliwiec
Jagoda Myśliwiec
Meet Jagoda, she joined Infobel PRO in January 2023 and oversees all aspects of digital marketing for the company.
29 posts published
Marc Wahba
Marc Wahba
Meet Marc, the co-founder and CTO of Infobel.
51 posts published
Tarik Hennen
Tarik Hennen
Meet Tarik, a marketing consultant at Antidote who is passionate about digital strategy and innovation.
1 posts published
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