VAT Lookup and Validation API
VAT Lookup and Validation API
This VAT API has functions that are both a lookup tool (to let you find VAT numbers of selected companies) and a validation tool (when you already have a VAT number, and you need to validate it). You receive detailed VAT information along with business details like company status, location, employees, contact details, and more.
You can select company information you need from over 460 data attributes in our database.
This API has access to over 350 million global businesses in our database (we own one of the largest existing global databases). Depending on your business needs, the API may also work only for European or UK companies.
This tool not only helps you find the VAT number of the organization but also checks the company status, whether it is active. Moreover, you can also find detailed information related to the VAT number, such as company location, employees, CEO, contact details, and international company linkages.
Reverse search functions:
You can use VAT numbers to validate a business and check its details or find VAT numbers based on existing business information.
Use cases (examples):
1) A company has a CRM and allows its users to find companies by VAT number only, to get business data and contact details (emails, phone numbers) for marketing campaign purposes.
2) A global company needs to validate hundreds of VAT numbers simultaneously to ensure correct VAT treatment in cross-border transactions.
3) A company background check tool, including VAT, is used when companies apply for additional funds to check if every given company information is valid.
EU VAT Validation:
Many customers need API functionality specifically only for European countries. We are a European based provider and ensure high data accuracy for Europe, fully GDPR compliant. ( Feel free to ask our team for more details).
VAT API coverage for European countries:
Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkmenistan
VAT API coverage for other countries (global):
UAE, Anguilla, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Indonesia, India, Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Paraguay, El Salvador, Thailand, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, South Africa
*Some countries do not use VAT nomenclature but have their tax system naming, which we also cover. Examples: Australian Business Number (ABN), Argentinian Unique Tax Id Key (CUIT).