To find out which countries are covered by Infobel, please click here.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
Yes, we have geolocation data in 51 countries.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
Yes, Infobel has financial information for all countries and provides you with data such as turnover, number of employees set-up date, etc.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
Yes, all Infobel data is time-traceable. Each piece of data has a universal identifier and a timestamp that establishes the date at which the record was created, deleted, edited, etc.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
Yes, the databases managed by Infobel are the subject of declarations (data protection, telecom regulators, telecom ombudsmen, etc.). This means that any person who asks may exercise their right to view, remove, amend or add data in accordance with the law. Any companies processing automated data on databases that we provide or sell to them are also required to observe the data protection laws in the same way as Infobel. In other words, Infobel's compliance with the law does not exempt its customers from complying with it.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
You can advertise on Infobel by making an offer using Google's AdWords, AdExchange services or similar services. Please click here for further information.
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We deal with B2B and B2C telephone data enhancements. In most countries of the world we provide the following information for B2B: national number, legal form, date established, business code and description, language(s), turnover and number of employees. In Belgium we also provide non-marketable DNCM (Do Not Call Me) flag, SEO flag, and import/export flag. For B2C in Belgium, we provide the following: date of birth, income group, language(s), and non-marketable DNCM (Do Not Call Me) flag.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
Yes, for B2B it is possible to do this directly from the Corporate website, by batch or by transaction. B2C enhancements must go through a commercial contact in order to clarify the need and the nature of the input/output enhancement (often variable from one customer to another).
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
Our company is a member of the BDMA (Belgium Direct Marketing Association) and SIINDA (Search and Information Industry Association). As a member of these associations, we guarantee compliance with their codes of conduct. We also toor the LMTI pledge ( Local Marketing Transparency Inititative).
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
For B2B, it is possible to select the following information: geographic area, number of employees, turnover, website, SEO, language(s), business sector, legal form, etc. For B2C, it is possible to select the following information: age, household composition, language(s), car owner, type of vehicle, landline telephone subscribers, cellphone subscribers, Internet subscribers, heating system used, cable television subscribers, income, type of house, garden, owner, tenant, house moves and changes of address, geographic area, town, region, and population density. Infobel also has landline and cellphone numbers, and filters the numbers on the DNCM (Do Not Call Me) list free of charge (in Belgium only). You can do updates every month, quarter, six months or once a year.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
Yes, we have more than 25 million mobile numbers; the list of countries can be found below. These phone numbers are part of the standard deliveries in case of deduplication, but have a specific price for marketing. For further information, please contact us.
The information is available and in real time for each countries. Click here.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
All the counts that are not listed on the Infobel Corporate site are avalaible as the standard deliveries are available within three working days.
If this does not answer your question, please contact us.
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First of all check that the connection problem is not linked to your provider. If not, get in touch using the following contact form.
Please contact us.