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B2C Data illu

B2B Database

B2B Database:
What information is included in our B2B database?

We provide business data in different datasets which organizations of all sizes can use. Some of the formats are firmographic data (which contains detailed company information), technographic data (which reflects technologies organizations use), b2b contact data (majorly used for marketing purposes), spatial data, POI (i.e. points of interest), data reflecting linkages between global companies, historical data (up to 7 years back) and more.

Feel free to reach out to our team and we will estimate the cost of data you are looking for! 

How do we provide data?

We provide companies with data and access to our business database through our large set of applications and APIs. We assist organizations in choosing the right solutions and tools based on their organizational needs. Businesses can retrieve 1 shot data extraction for marketing purposes through our applications or manual extractions and access data to update their CRMs constantly. 

In what ways can organizations use our data? (examples)

Organizations can integrate the use of our business data based on their organizational needs. Some of the examples are:
To strictly target their prospects
To enrich their CRMs

Allowing customers to access company information through different filters like VAT numbers, names, etc. We also assist businesses with online map publishers, global search engines and much more. 
 Click here to learn more and find real use cases. 

What sizes of companies do you provide B2B data solutions for?

We provide solutions to organizations of all sizes. We offer advanced applications for enterprises that are focused on generating email lists or phone lists. Additionally, we also offer APIs to assist clients in enriching their applications used by millions of users. All our tools give access to our extensive database.

What is the coverage of our B2B database?
We cover all the countries and territories across the globe. Receiving data from over 1100 streams from local and global providers, we combine all of it into one, structured and user-friendly format database. Feel free to ask as specifically as required about business data in a certain country, or visit dedicated pages for some of them by clicking here: US business database, UK business database, Australia b2b database.
Number of all B2B records:
Amout data-Individuals
1 billion+ Contact data
Amout data-Companies
350 million+ Companies
Amout data-Business sectors
3500+ Industries
Amout data-Data streams
1100+ Data streams
Amout data-Quality data
460+ Attributes
Amout data-Countries
220 Countries
Amout data-Years in business
28 Years in business
Amout data-Language
17 Languages
Wave data
B2B Data Solutions
We help our clients with a variety of access and acquisition methods for business data which encapsulate different formats, streams, tools, and solutions.
Data Formats
We share data in almost all formats including CSV, XLS, and API data streaming (launching soon through cloud solutions) depending on the organizational needs. 
Data streams
We merge data in our database from over 1100+ data streams across the globe which comprises local providers, telecoms, business data vendors, and more. 
Our tools
Our set of highly efficient applications and APIs allow customers to access and utilize our b2b database directly.
B2C Data graphic
Data compliance
Our data is 100% GDPR and CCPA-compliant and also follows other applicable norms making them valid across the globe. 
Data solutions
Our tools help access, verify, validate, enrich, extract, and implement data in the DaaS model, which enriches the software, applications, and more.
The most common use cases
Find below our latest examples
E-commerces built on PrestaShop
An organization that builds websites wanted to target all e-commerce businesses built on PrestaShop. Objective: Target e-commerce platforms with different solutions through marketing campaigns. 
Expansion into the American Markets
An e-commerce platform is exploring expansion opportunities across America. Their objective is to reach potential buyers and partners to list their products. They have considered choosing business contact details for cold calling and mailing campaigns. 
Cold calling campaign targeting American customers
A Philippines-based call centre opts for a few B2B contact datasets to reach businesses based in the US and sell products and services. 
CRM data enrichment
CRM Data Enrichment to get hands-on detailed organizational details across the globe just by a VAT number. 
Targeting companies with a particular SIC CODE
Some companies from major 4 European countries with specific SIC codes, needed a list of all names, and contact data (i.e. email addresses and phone numbers), locations, and sizes (info on employees and revenues).
Contact data to detected website visitors
Identified the website visitors and matched them with the organizations they are employed with to curate the best offers for them depending on their remarketing campaigns. 
Connecting our database with a CRM
This allows regular access to the entire B2B database and enables CRM users to check and verify company information anytime.
Solar panel installers - mailing campaign

Email marketing campaigns targeting all SMBs in a specific country for a business dealing in solar panel installations and building roofs at most 280 m2.

Targeting all HR employees
Aligned targeting all HR employees by a company that curated an HR software which was used to search for testers and then buyers. Targeting was done only for the European organizations with more than 1000 employees. 
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Access our B2B database and create your datasets!

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Frequently asked questions
What is B2B database?

A B2B database is an electronically stored set of business information which can be used by businesses to expand and empower their marketing, sales processes and more. The objective is to improve the quality of services offered to their clients. A B2B database can be understood as a dataset containing any relevant information about companies such as B2B contact data, technographic data, firmographic data and more.

What data does your B2B database cover?

Our B2B database contains information on companies from the whole world, i.e. 220 countries and territories and 17 languages. Data stocked in our database is in one uniform structured form for all our clients.

Is your data up-to-date and compliant with the norms and standards of all countries?

Absolutely yes!

Our business database is 100% updated and compliant with the GDPR and CCPA guidelines along with all the local and standard norms prescribed for companies globally.