POI (Point of Interest) datasets provide detailed information about specific locations, often focusing on commercial places like businesses.
Such datasets include attributes such as latitude, longitude, building size, area, geolocation accuracy, and other important features. In addition to location details, POI datasets may offer valuable customer information about the business, such as opening hours, reviews, contact details, and more.
POI data is crucial for businesses engaged in mapping, location analytics, urban development, navigation, and business intelligence.
Find examples of POIs for three famous headquarters located in the United States: Tesla, Alphabet (Google), and JPMorgan Chase in the table below.
Company Name |
Jpmorgan Chase & Co. |
Alphabet Inc. (Google) |
Tesla, Inc. |
Trade Name |
Jpmorgan Chase |
Alphabet |
Tesla |
Address1 |
383 Madison Ave |
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy |
1 Tesla Rd |
Post Code |
10179 |
94043 |
78725 |
City |
New York City |
Mountain View |
Austin |
Province | New York | San Diego | Travis |
Region | New York | California | Texas |
Country | USA | USA | USA |
Longitude | -73.9767372623297 | -122.08396375 | -97.61881675 |
Latitude | 40.755490331499317 | 37.42157765 | 30.2210636 |
GeoLevel | 4 | 4 | 4 |
GeoLevel Description | RoofTop | RoofTop | RoofTop |
Building Name | Google Headquarters | ||
Building Type | residential_building | building | |
Building Geom | POLYGON ((-73.976555304714054 40.755107494017089, -73.976240408625728 40.755569370893369, -73.9762396983284 40.755582602694261, -73.976175469417853 40.7555806242734, -73.976372780256966 40.75565781412412, -73.976355867899315 40.755657293179226, -73.976907685642814 40.755873168981545, -73.9770268826311 40.755698336825077, -73.977075583930826 40.755717389204868, -73.977089156145979 40.755697482137812, -73.977087137772585 40.755735081404808, -73.977157147617 40.75576246614748, -73.977156236309312 40.755779471697188, -73.977193409269262 40.755780616719576, -73.977209328421424 40.755757267300709, -73.977212188527574 40.755703987827545, -73.977249523147137 40.755705137830752, -73.977275945011783 40.755715472897052, -73.977277274314872 40.755690709970985, -73.977293341048039 40.755691204016379, -73.977299055241573 40.755584757041845, -73.977102133158638 40.755578691319243, -73.9772405877066 40.755375584673665, -73.976555304714054 40.755107494017089)) | POLYGON ((-122.0830283 37.4213364, -122.083003 37.4213512, -122.0829785 37.421369, -122.0829581 37.4213885, -122.0829365 37.4214122, -122.0829083 37.4214442, -122.0828888 37.4214766, -122.0828771 37.4214983, -122.0828692 37.4215198, -122.0829615 37.4215389, -122.0829532 37.4215656, -122.0828713 37.4215844, -122.0828763 37.4216, -122.0828927 37.4216514, -122.0829362 37.4216444, -122.0829127 37.42172, -122.0829497 37.4217307, -122.0829994 37.4217414, -122.0830841 37.4217548, -122.0831848 37.4217609, -122.0832949 37.4217567, -122.0832969 37.4217684, -122.0833366 37.4217631, -122.0835661 37.4217157, -122.083568 37.4217236, -122.0835801 37.4217208, -122.0835776 37.421714, -122.0835734 37.4217013, -122.0835958 37.4216964, -122.0835973 37.4217014, -122.0835868 37.4217033, -122.0835951 37.4217322, -122.0836056 37.4217303, -122.0836066 37.421734, -122.083866 37.4216821, -122.0838736 37.4217068, -122.0838821 37.4217343, -122.0839876 37.4216977, -122.0839946 37.4217191, -122.0841159 37.4216956, -122.0841016 37.4216504, -122.084098 37.4216389, -122.0841488 37.4216398, -122.0841387 37.4217477, -122.0841338 37.4217996, -122.0841629 37.4218073, -122.0841946 37.4218117, -122.084213 37.421811, -122.0842316 37.4218103, -122.0842557 37.4218061, -122.0842783 37.4217999, -122.0843092 37.421788, -122.0843403 37.4217765, -122.0843905 37.4217714, -122.0843905 37.4217546, -122.0844403 37.4217457, -122.084454 37.4217432, -122.0844933 37.4218757, -122.0850339 37.4217599, -122.0850353 37.4217365, -122.0850469 37.4215418, -122.0850583 37.4215409, -122.0850583 37.4214826, -122.0850571 37.4214121, -122.0850419 37.4214112, -122.0850325 37.42141, -122.0850237 37.4214075, -122.0849928 37.4213977, -122.0849723 37.4213925, -122.0849535 37.4213895, -122.0849232 37.4213872, -122.084903 37.4213897, -122.0849041 37.4213756, -122.0847982 37.4213698, -122.0842499 37.4213407, -122.084242 37.4214406, -122.0841141 37.421435, -122.0841141 37.42143, -122.0840057 37.4214261, -122.0839907 37.4214037, -122.0839758 37.4213819, -122.0839575 37.4213651, -122.0839367 37.4213492, -122.0838985 37.4213341, -122.0838707 37.4213255, -122.083847 37.4213209, -122.0838395 37.4213469, -122.0838246 37.4213443, -122.0838283 37.4213103, -122.0837201 37.4213037, -122.0833216 37.4212796, -122.0833149 37.4213885, -122.0831628 37.4213797, -122.0831634 37.4213736, -122.083087 37.4213692, -122.0830864 37.4213753, -122.0830628 37.421374, -122.0830283 37.4213364)) | MULTIPOLYGON (((-97.6168843 30.2257056, -97.6175333 30.2263048, -97.6197593 30.2263422, -97.6204623 30.22576, -97.6206123 30.220106, -97.6207492 30.216451, -97.6205273 30.2162493, -97.6200817 30.2158442, -97.6200736 30.2158369, -97.6196936 30.2158241, -97.6193744 30.2158174, -97.6178242 30.215785, -97.6171281 30.2163607, -97.6168843 30.2257056))) |
Building Area | 4380 | 8483 | 394300 |